Primary Education

Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Expedition Experience
Accredited Awards
Environmental Studies

Secondary Education

The young people have absolutely loved their time at LOPC and so did I…. after I’d done plenty of screaming! Many thanks to the team at LOPC, they were fantastic with the pupils. We will definitely be returning in the future.
Liz Clarke
(PE Teacher) New College
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4
Expedition Experience
Accredited Awards
Work Experience

Further & Higher Education

We recognise that colleges and universities deliver a high quality of education across a broad expanse of academic and vocational subjects. Your staff are the experts in your field; we are happy to provide activities that link to your subject delivery through working alongside your staff to develop content that compliments your course syllabus and integrates outdoor learning seamlessly into your programme.

The students had a great time and I definitely think it was an enriched learning experience. I was extremely impressed with the welcome we felt and the quality of instruction given.
Richard Pell
Head of P.E. Abington High School
Employability Skills

A programme of outdoor activities that help young adults develop skills to help them in the world of work, from improving confidence at job interviews to handling criticism from employers and developing self appraisal skills.

Expedition Experience

This is an ideal program for encouraging young people to take responsibility for themselves and is therefore ideal for assisting pupils to prepare for a change such as the transition from one school to another.

Accredited Awards

Details of the various nationally accredited awards LOPC is able to deliver.

Special Education

At Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Centre we are committed to accommodating anyone from any background, including those with Special Educational Needs, who have an interest in outdoor pursuits. The information on this page has been designed to support both those organising trips, and participants to get the most our of their visit to us.

Carers/ Support Workers/ Mentors:

We value the insight and support that these individuals can bring in helping us to provide the best possible experience for your students and are happy for them to get involved with the activities. If however they would prefer not to please just contact the Centre and then we can work with you so that nobody is excluded from coming.

Specific needs:

Below we have highlighted some of the key needs some participants may have and how we can support these individuals. The Adapted Activities  and Disability and Inclusion pages will also provide you with further details so that you can see how specific activities could work for your group.

Participants with learning difficulties:

Most of the activities we provide can be differentiated to meet the needs of all abilities and we will work closely with you to create aims and objectives appropriate to the group.

Participants with Challenging Behaviour:

At LOPC we believe that challenging behaviour should not be a barrier to participants accessing our activities and we actively encourage positive interaction both between participants and staff and other participants. However keeping everyone safe is our number one priority and if a participant’s behaviour puts anyone at risk they will be unable to continue with the session.

If you feel you have a participant who may be at high risk of exclusion from an activity please contact the Centre and then we can arrange a pre-visit so that we can discuss individual needs and carry out a risk/benefit analysis.

Hearing Impaired Participants:

Hearing impairments do not cause any barriers to any of our activities, all we ask is that you let us know in advance so that our instructors can plan their delivery accordingly.

Visually Impaired Participants:

Participants with any kind of visual impairment can take part in most of our activities (full details can be found in the table on our disability and inclusion page), just let the Centre know in advance so that we can make any alterations necessary to our activities so that all participants can achieve.

Mobility Impaired Participants:

The main centre building is easily accessible for those with mobility impairments via ramps and a lift. We also have two changing room spaces that are suitable for wheelchairs, one of which is part of the Changing Places Project  and comes complete with hoist and movable equipment.

Adapted Activities

Detailed information on LOPC's inclusion policy and ways of adapting our activities to suit people with additional needs.

Changing Places Facility

Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Centre has a Changing Places facility. This is a fully accessible toilet, shower and changing facility with state of the art technology to enhance your experience.

Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge

LOPC has been awarded the Quality Badge by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) for the standard of activity provision delivered to School groups.

The LOtC Quality Badge is intended to assist schools in identifying external LOtC providers who deliver good quality teaching and learning experiences and manage risk effectively. It is the nationally recognised indicator of good quality educational provision

The Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge is an easily recognisable and trusted national award for all types of providers of LOtC throughout the UK.  It covers both learning provision and safety.

The LOtC Quality Badge means that the holder has passed a robust assessment designed to ensure that they are meeting schools’ learning and risk management needs, no matter what activities they offer. Consequently The Quality Badge reduces the ‘red tape’ involved in planning educational visits by providing a single accreditation demonstrating that a provider meets national standards

Both Leicester City and Leicestershire County Local Authorities recommend the use of LOtC Quality Badge holders to all their Schools Establishments and Groups. 

The local Outdoor Education Advisers advise schools and other establishments that it is unnecessary to require providers to supply information which has already been assessed by the Quality Badge accreditation process.

The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom have put together an information document outlining what you can expect when using a LOtC Quality Badge accredited provider, and the benefits of doing so. This can be printed off and incorporated into your health and safety procedures or LOtC/educational visits policy. It can be viewed here.

The Quality Badge website can be viewed here.

More information can be found from the Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel here.

Benefits of Visiting LOPC

This section contains a series of articles and documents that have formed Outdoor Education strategy and direction at a national level. Each of these has gone some way to shaping the content and structure of activities and sessions here at Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Centre.


Every Child Matters

At Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Centre our ethos and activities contribute specifically to all aspects of the Every Child Matters agenda:

Be healthy

Participating in a range of outdoor adventurous activities (OAA) is a perfect way for children to experience new and exciting sports and activities, which can be both physically and mentally challenging. OAA activities can help reduce obesity while improving young people’s personal and social development.

Stay safe

Our OAA provide challenges and elements of risk taking that children have to identify, deal with and conquer. Risk taking is a natural part of growing up and we believe that helping young people to recognise risk and to make sound judgments can clearly contribute to reductions in accidents and improved decision making skills throughout their lives ultimately making them more responsible citizens.

Enjoy and achieve

Children learn best when they are having fun and involved in activities that focus their interest. Our activities are designed for children to find their own limitations, whilst ensuring everyone succeeds. Tackling OAA can be quite frightening to many young people but the achievement can be enormously rewarding. For those young people who are not academically focused, learning out of the classroom can stimulate and inspire them to improve their attitude towards learning.

Make a positive contribution

Our OAA encourage young people to develop and extend key skills such as communication, co-operation, problem solving, leadership and respect for others. Developing these skills help individuals to better understand how they and others may contribute towards a team, a common goal or objective. This may then be related and extended to the contributions they are able to make to their local community and society as a whole.

Achieve economic well-being

Our OAA help young people to develop self-esteem and improve their inter-personal skills. The ability to be able to work as part of a team, independently, communicate ideas and make decisions are all attributes that employers look for.

Learning Outside The Classroom Manifesto

Published on 28 November 2006, following earlier consultation, the Learning Outside the Classroom (LOTC) Manifesto sets out the Government’s vision and encourages organisations to sign-up to the pledges contained within.

The manifesto states:

“We believe that every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal development, whatever their age, ability and circumstances”

Learning Outside the Classroom is defined as “the use of places other than the classroom for teaching and learning”. Central to the vision is the need to “transfer learning experienced outside to the classroom and vice versa”.

The DfES add that “there is strong evidence that good quality learning outside the classroom adds much to the value of classroom learning. It can lead to a deeper understanding of the concepts that span traditional subject boundaries and which are frequently difficult to teach using classroom methods alone.”

To view the learning outside the classroom website visit:

Educational benefits of LOtC:

When these experiences are well planned, safely managed and personalised to meet the needs of every child they can:

  • Improve academic achievement.
  • Provide a bridge to higher order learning.
  • Develop skills and independence in a widening range of environments.
  • Make learning more engaging and relevant to young people.
  • Develop active citizens and stewards of the environment.
  • Nurture creativity.
  • Provide opportunities for informal learning through play.
  • Reduce behaviour problems and improve attendance.
  • Stimulate, inspire and improve motivation.
  • Develop the ability to deal with uncertainty.
  • Provide challenge and the opportunity to take acceptable levels of risk.
  • Improve young people’s attitudes to learning.

Benefits to your pupils:

As well as the opportunity to enjoy and experience new activities LOPC staff understand the personal and social educational learning opportunities that can be gained through the outdoors. Our Instructors have the skills to create meaningful learning experiences in a positive learning environment. We engage pupils in fun and active ways, where they are encouraged to reflect and think about what they have learned about themselves and others.

We give pupils many opportunities to experience success and to celebrate their achievements, leading to greater self-confidence and improved self-esteem.

Report from Ofsted in 2008:

LOTC – how far should we go?

At a time when the government is actively promoting learning outside the classroom this report evaluates the importance of such learning in primary and secondary schools and colleges.

The Ofsted report (02/10/08) reveals that pupils’ participation and achievement can benefit significantly from getting involved with activities outside the classroom — but not all schools and colleges are reaping the full benefits because some do not incorporate many off-site experiences into the curriculum. In the sample of schools visited, it found that well-planned activities not only enhance pupils’ learning, but can also re-engage those who are hard to motivate.

Click here to read or download the full report.

Sign Up to the Learning Outside the Classroom Manifesto:

Leicester City Schools have the opportunity to sign-up to the National Manifesto on Learning Outside the Classroom.

Every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal development, whatever their age, ability or circumstances. The Manifesto acts as a shared statement of intent for all who see the benefits to young people and want to help bring about this vision of high quality, meaningful learning experiences for all.

All who support the Manifesto’s vision are invited to endorse and champion it by becoming a signatory, and to pledge any actions they are planning to take in support of the stated aims. Find out more about pledges and signatories and to see which organisations and individuals have already signed up click here.

High Quality Outdoor Learning

Written and produced by the English Outdoor Council in partnership with a range of national outdoor learning organisations “High Quality Outdoor Learning” is a guide to recognising and achieving High Quality Outdoor Learning in Schools, Youth Services, Clubs and Centres.

It deals with areas such as “What is Outdoor Learning” and “How do young people participate” and goes on to discuss ten outcomes of quality provision which are:

1. Enjoyment
Young people enjoy participating in outdoor activities and adopt a positive attitude to challenge, learning and adventure.

2. Confidence and Character
Young people are developing personal confidence and character through taking on challenges and achieving success.

3. Health and Well-being
Young people are learning to appreciate the benefits of physical fitness and the lifelong value of participation in healthy active leisure activities.

4. Social and Emotional Awareness
Young people are developing their self-awareness and social skills, and their appreciation of the contributions and achievements of themselves and of others.

5. Environmental Awareness
Young people are becoming alive to the natural environment and understand the importance of conservation and sustainable development.

6. Activity Skills
Young people are acquiring and developing a range of psychomotor skills in support of their participation in outdoor pursuits, recreation and exploration.

7. Personal Qualities
Young people are demonstrating increased initiative, self-reliance, responsibility, perseverance, tenacity and commitment.

8. Skills for Life
Young people are developing and extending their key skills of communication, problem-solving, leadership and teamwork.

9. Increased Motivation and Appetite for Learning
Young people are displaying an increased motivation and appetite for learning that is contributing to raised levels of attainment and progress in other aspects of their development.

10. Broadened Horizons
Young people are broadening their horizons and becoming open to a wider range of employment opportunities and life chances, life choices and lifestyles.

For each outcome it lists potential indicators that would show these outcomes taking place.

The full document can be read and downloaded here.

Nothing Ventured...

Nothing Ventured…
Balancing risk and benefits in the outdoors by Tim Gill

Authored by Tim Gill and written with support from the English Outdoor Council, the Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel and the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom this document looks at attitudes to, and perceptions of, risk in the outdoors. It puts forward the view that a balanced assessment of not only risk but also benefit is essential when deciding whether to undertake activities or not.

It offers support and reassurance to outdoor practitioners and teachers and dispels several myths and misconceptions about outdoor adventurous activities.

The full document can be seen here.

Case Studies

Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Centre is playing a leading role in developing innovative programmes of outdoor learning.

Notable successes to date include projects using the outdoors to develop:

  • Community cohesion.
  • Literacy and creative writing skills.
  • French vocabulary understanding.
  • Numeracy skills.
Time for Change in Outdoor Learning

Randall Williams, in conjunction with the English Outdoor Council, has produced the following document containing hard evidence on the value of the outdoors and a challenge to deliver fair access for all.

 Time for Change in Outdoor Learning (.PDF, 158.0 KB)

Learning Outside the Classroom Website

Case studies for various organisations can be found on the Learning Outside the Classroom website here.

Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Join Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Centre, a leading AAP for the Duke of Edinburgh Award, for the Expedition element of your programme.

With full support from our friendly and experienced team, we will work with you to facilitate a tailormade journey to suit all young people.

Weekend Packages

Create a package to suit the needs of your group from our extensive range of outdoor and adventurous activities. Options range from multi activity experiences to immersive experiences and proficiency based courses.

Tire your group out before bed with our orienteering course, or chill out around a campfire. At the time of booking our staff can advise of the various ways to keep your group entertained.

We can cater for smaller groups off-site participating in Sailing and Crag Climbing and for all groups undertaking a range of River Trips.

We can create a tailor made camping package suitable for youth groups. With a variety of add on options to consider, we can take out the fuss, and help you with the fun.

Guides and Scouts

Scout Association Groups

Outdoor adventurous activities are at the heart of every balanced Scouting programme. A trip to LOPC will take away the stress and worry of organising activities that are often viewed as high risk and requiring technically competent Leaders.

Our staff and activities all meet the requirements for external activity providers of the Scout Association, therefore Scout Leaders can bring their young people to LOPC safe in the knowledge that they will be well looked after and enjoy safe, fun and educational activities.

LOPC understands that some Scout badges require young people to take part in adventurous activities that many Leaders may not be able to co-ordinate themselves. We have a team of staff experienced in delivering a variety of high quality land, water and high ropes activities that will enable young people to achieve a range of activity badges to the best of their abilities.

We can tailor make a programme to target objectives you may have or focus upon specific elements of badge requirements to ensure that all participants are able to demonstrate their understanding and practical abilities. To simplify the process we have put together some activity packages that focus on specific activity or award badge requirements and these can be found in our Scout and Guide Groups Brochure below.

Leicestershire Scouts also base their water activity nights here, along with their huge Splash Camp. A weekend ran solely by scout volunteers offering the best that the location can offer – kayaking, raft building, archery, crate stack, climbing and much more! 

Girlguiding Groups

Outdoor adventurous activities are at the heart of every balanced Girlguiding programme. A trip to LOPC will take away the stress and worry of organising activities that are often viewed as high risk and requiring technically competent Leaders.

Our staff and activities all meet the requirements for external activity providers of Girlguiding UK, therefore Guiding Leaders can bring their young people to LOPC safe in the knowledge that they will be well looked after and enjoy safe, fun and educational activities.

LOPC understands that some Girlguiding badges require young people to take part in adventurous activities that many Leaders may not be able to co-ordinate themselves.

We can tailor make a programme to target objectives you may have or focus upon specific elements of badge requirements to ensure that all participants are able to demonstrate their understanding and practical abilities.

We have been very pleased to run the Leicestershire Guides Water Camp here at LOPC on several occasions over the last few years, hosting approximately 200 girls for a weekend of kayaking, bell boating, raft building, craft, bushcraft, archery, climbing and high ropes. With the activities ran half by LOPC and half by guide volunteers, it is a huge exciting event that we are proud to host. 

Youth organisations

At LOPC we want as many people as possible to be able to come and have a great time – at a CONVENIENT time! So we can run activities after school starting around 4pm, at 6.30pm or on a weekend. We can also do full days/half days in the school holidays and there are also options to camp over if you want to make more of your stay.
Take a look at our activities and once you have decided what you think your group would like to do, just give us a call on 0116 2681426 or email us on 

Activity Prices

Once you know what you would like to do, just give us a call on 0116 2681426. Or you can email outside of office hours. 

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